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Daily Archives: January 6th, 2012

Friday Night Music, in which Randy Newman channels John McCain

I know I’ve put up a lot of Randy Newman, but hey, it’s my blog and the guy is great. I came up with this particular choice after watching this video on the TPM youtube channel: I wracked my own senescent brain for a song about someone who bemoans the fact that he or she […]

Tax the Rich-it’s our moral obligation

I missed this post by Brad DeLong when it was first written, but came across it recently and just had to pass it along. He cites to the work of two economists, Emmanuel Saez, and Nobel laureate economist Peter Diamond, who prove that we should be taxing the rich at a 70% rate: It is […]

New Hampshire Goes Full Crazy

New Hampshire has always been the Dixie of New England, and they’ve proved it in spades recently. The Tea Party dominated New Hampshire Legislature on Wednesday overrode the governor’s veto to enact a new law allowing parents to object to any part of the school curriculum. The state House voted 255-112 and Senate 17-5 to […]