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A soul mate

The guy who wrote this must have been a Red Sox fan during the character building years. I’ve compared the Democrats to the Red Sox of yore, and like us fans of old who can’t quite believe their team can win (or even should….tradition, you know), this Democrat can’t quite get his head around these newfangled Democrats:

And now? Young upstarts, led by a certain fetching socialist from the Bronx, are destroying everything we’ve worked so mediocrely to build. If you want their vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on Joe Lieberman’s face forever. Actually, don’t picture that; focus group testing has demonstrated that that image really resonates with voters across demographics, something we most certainly do not want.

We used to be a party that wasn’t afraid to barely scratch the surface of a problem, and I fear that those days may be behind us. Youth today are too coddled with their unpaid internships and lowered life expectancies to understand the importance of having a mealy-mouthed voice at the table. If today’s Democrats insist upon winning, you can count me out.

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