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Monthly Archives: January 2019

Some speculation

I’ve been thinking a bit about Individual-1’s threats to declare a national emergency so he can build his wall. I’m not 100% wedded to this idea, but It occurs to me that it is a way for him to declare victory while essentially preserving the status quo. The reality is that any such declaration would […]

An anniversary

Another snippet from my journal. One year ago today Individual-1 pronounced himself a “very stable genius”. It seems so long ago.

An open letter to the New London Day

First, let me congratulate you on your recent addition of rightwing radio jock Lee Elci to your stable of regular columnists. This is yet another milestone in your years long effort to offer a wide range of opinions among your columnists, which opinions now range along a continuum from pundits who sometimes put their toes […]

A few disjointed observations

I started writing this a few days ago. In this day of instant reaction to the news via twitter that might as well be decades, but I’m going to post it anyway. As I browsed through my blog reader recently I found a number of common themes. I have nothing to add to the universal […]

Lest we forget

I have mentioned previously, I think, that I’m keeping a journal of sorts, of extremely doubtful literary merit. Every day I try to document the atrocities so far as Individual-1 is concerned. The app I use automatically shows you your entries from one year ago, two years ago, etc., so I am constantly reminded of […]