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Monthly Archives: June 2020

The Day Opines

The New London Day has called on Roseanne Kotowski to resign from the Groton Representative Town Meeting, and State Rep. Craig Fishbein to resign as well, since like Roseanne, he has outed himself as a racist. I’ve written about Roseanne here and here. To briefly recap her story: she sent an email to Groton Town […]

Rant/Modest Proposal

Why is the left so bad at messaging? Case in point, the calls to Defund the Police. Any idiot who gave that phrase even one second of thought would come to the obvious conclusion that not only is it a stupid idea on the merits (defund translates to no funding, not lower funding), but would […]

A terrible problem facing us

I think this person is on to something: The world is a dangerous place, which is why civilians have depended time and time again on the police force to keep themselves safe. However, in these dark times, it seems police who choose to break the law are in grave danger of facing repercussions for their […]

The Lord has (apparently) spoken!

I seem to recall that folks like Pat Robertson were claiming that things like Hurricane Katrina were messages from god punishing us for being nice to gay people, which always seemed like a fairly cryptic way to send that message, considering that the people being punished were sort of randomly chosen. On the other hand, […]

Roseanne can rest easy

I wrote a couple of days ago I wrote about a local Republican, Roseanne Kotowski, who wanted to forbid a Black Lives Matter demonstration here in Groton because it would cost too much, in addition to the mess the participants would make even if they didn’t throw a brick through every window they passed. I’m […]

History Lesson

Friends Teri and Peter Roper put together a timeline of the genius’s response to the Coronavirus. Worth watching.

Time for another NY Times Op-Ed?

The New York Times has taken some well deserved shit for running an Op-Ed by Tom Cotton, in which the fascist Senator from Arkansas argued for more fascism, i.e., that we should unleash the armed forces on protestors with whom he disagrees. The Times defended itself initially on the grounds that it has an obligation […]

Roseanne has some questions

My spouse just forwarded this Facebook post from Aundre Bumgardner. As I’m not sure how to embed a Facebook post, I just took a screenshot. Aundre is a former Republican state representative, who has come over from the dark side and is now a Democratic Town Councilor here in Groton. Roseanne is a Republican member […]

Most of us won’t get fooled again

Abraham Lincoln was mostly right when he remarked that you can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people, all of the time. In truth you can never fool all of the people even sometimes, but more importantly, […]