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Most of us won’t get fooled again

Abraham Lincoln was mostly right when he remarked that you can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people, all of the time. In truth you can never fool all of the people even sometimes, but more importantly, as Abe surely knew, all a politician or political party must do to thrive is fool most of the people most of the time.

This brings me to the genius, who has never been able to fool most of the people at any time, and who is where he is only because he fooled some of the people in just the right places. He has always been a scam artist, but that required only that he fool some of the people some of the time. All he needed to do was fool the right people. It’s been his modus operandi for a long time, and he’s wedded to it. It’s why he does things like tear gas people to clear a path for a photo op in front of a church. It never occurs to him that while that sort of thing will assure that he continues to fool some of the people enough of the time, it will lessen his chances of fooling most of the people at any time.

Nate Silver notes that Trump now has the highest disapproval rating of any president ever.

In my own humble opinion he has now reached the point with most of the people that they will not believe a word he says, ever. If he walked on water most of the people would believe he was conning them.

Joe Biden may not be inspiring, but most of the people feel comfortable with him, particularly given their choices.

Which means, if these were normal times, that we could be pretty sure that Biden will win the election. And he will, provided we are allowed to have an election. Based on the genius’s recent actions, and those of his attorney general, I’d give even odds that they will steal the next election, either by cancelling it, or by blatantly and openly fixing it, in the well founded belief that neither Congress nor the Supreme Court will do anything about it. The last few days have given us an indication of what would happen if most of the people were to rise up against that.