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More on FISA

Glenn Greenwald has an excellent piece on the FISA bill, as well as the mainstream media reaction to it, which is to hail it as a compromise rather than the sell-out that it is. At times like this, mega corporations must stick together. Via that article, an honorable exception, from, who else? Keith Olbermann.


One point I haven’t made in my numerous tirades about this bill is made in the video above. The Democrats, or at least the Democratic leadership, were made complicit in this power abuse. The bill represents a massive cover up, designed to make sure that the public never becomes aware of the full extent of the crimes committed by Bush and enabled by leading Democrats. The fact that the cover up involves further evisceration of the Constitution doesn’t concern them. They are more interested in the maintenance of that cover-up and their hopes to gain more seats in Congress. Sad to say, I must agree with Greenwald that we must target Democrats who supported this bill. It’s a bit early to start eating our own. That usually comes a few years after a party takes control, but we might not have much time left, if it is not already too late. Greenwald:

If, as a result of their destruction of the Fourth Amendment and the rule of law, they see that they lose seats — that John Barrow and Chris Carney are removed from Congress and Steny Hoyer’s standing in his district is severely compromised and that list of targets continues to grow — then they’ll conclude that they can’t build their Vast and Glorious Democratic Majority by dismantling the Constitution and waging war on civil liberties. The Democratic Party in Congress is enslaved to the goal of winning more “swing districts” by supporting extremist measures — such as the FISA “compromise” — that please the right-wing. They need to learn that they won’t benefit, but will suffer, when they do that.

I wrote before about a group that is raising money to do just that. It’s worth a donation to make these “Democrats” feel some heat as a result of this sell-out.

Moveon is trying to hold Obama’s feet to the fire on this one. Obama promised to filibuster telecom immunity back in the day, but now he’s more afraid of being called a wuss on terrorism than he is of offending the folks who brought him to where he is today.

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