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Flower blogging

Totally slowed down for the holiday weekend. I spent a good part of the day watching the groundhog, chipmunks, and squirrels run wild over our yard. The Hav-a-hart is on the way for the groundhog, which has grown sleek and fat eating the fruits of my wife’s garden. At this point it considers us of only passing interest; it has long since consigned us to the “no threat” category, as it grazes at will, in broad daylight, on what passes for a lawn in the area by our barn. The chipmunks have experienced a population explosion since the last of our cats left this vale of tears. It’s odd how these little rodents don’t evoke the same feelings of revulsion as do their rat and mice cousins. The little guys scurry across the patio while we’re sitting on it, so while they retain a little respect for us (since they do scurry), it is rapidly fading. They too are growing sleek and fat, in their case from the seeds that drop from the bird feeder. It’s all endlessly amusing. However, the circle is rapidly closing around us. If we let this go on we’ll have hordes of them invading the basement in the winter.

All of which has nothing to do with this picture of a day lily, which is really all I have to offer.

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