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Dodd for VP? Sadly, I’m against it

Jason Rosenbaum at the Seminal reports that our own Chris Dodd is under consideration for the VP slot. I don’t know if the interest is real, or if Obama is just engaging in feel good politics. Sadly, I must protest against this choice. Nothing would make me happier than to see Chris Dodd a hearbeat away from the presidency, but we’ve worked too hard to take back the Congress. We can’t hand the Republicans a Senate seat, which is precisely what a Dodd vice presidency would do. We are going to need every Democratic vote we can get, if we’re going to get Harry Reid to shut down the Republican filibuster machine.

My wife suspects the undeserving future Senator would be Rob Simmons, which would make us Eastern Connecticut Democrats feel doubly burned. We worked our butts off to get rid of him, an dwe don’t want him coming back through the back door, particularly to the Senate. Simmons is just the sort of pseudo moderate that the Republican leadership loves. He talks a good game at home, but is totally tractable, like Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and Rob in his congressional days, one of the catch and release crowd.

Dodd is a true hero in my book. Back in January his stand against FISA might have been dismissed as campaign posturing, but he had nothing to gain by continuing the fight. Unfortunately, we can’t afford to lose him.

Let’s not forget that we are in this position because the Democrats in the State House, while they had their veto proof majority, lacked the presence of mind to change Connecticut law to allow the people to fill a Senate vacancy, rather than the keep the present system, which allows the lady with the vacant head to do so.

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