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Nice rant

The following rant (and I don’t use that word pejoratively, good rants are valuable things) was passed on to me by a correspondent, and I eventually got permission from the author (who shall remain unnamed) to reprint it. I thought it was good. I’ve modified it slightly by adding some introductory words and embedding the referenced videos:

Regarding the Celebrity Commercial:


Leadership can pretty much be aptly defined as the ability to make people follow voluntarily. The charge that Obama is not a leader, but rather a celebrity is coming from a man who has been having trouble filling high school gymnasiums for town hall meetings while his opponent has been speaking in front of crowds upwards of 70,000. McCain also,……also has appeared on more (non-political or apolitical )TV shows such as The View, SNL and Jay Leno since 2000 than any other politician (over 50 times). Not to mention, Kathy Hilton, the woman who spawned that demon seed known as Paris and raised her with those values donated $4600.00 (max. amount) to the McCain campaign.

Shouldn’t the question be turned back towards McCain in a manner of “Hey asshole, after 10 appearances on Leno, 2 hosting duties on SNL, 2 times on The View and 2 times on Entertainment Tonight, plus 8 stops at Letterman, and 3 at Conan O’Brien, and one stop on the fucking Tony Danza Show since the year 2000 alone, plus 26 years in the United States Senate why is it you’re having such a difficult time leading more than a few dozen blue hairs together at one time and place all over this great land to hear you speak? Does that say something about your leadership abilities?”

The One Commercial:


You know something, I’ve never understood the American aversion to certain types of elitism. A large percentage of Americans hate people like Liam Gallagher, Bill Hicks and Bill Maher (whom all I love strictly for their elitism alone) but love the late Jerry Fallwell or Sean Hannity (whom I hate primarily due to their elitist attitudes of defining what is and is not American)? I tend to consider myself a fairly well tuned armchair psychologist/sociologist and I’ve never even come close to understanding this phenomena in our culture.

Elitism can be defined as the belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority. I don’t know about you, but to me that sounds like every single hyper religious, close minded, extreme right wing assclown I’ve ever met. And it is the bitters of Nebrahoma to whom this commercial is geared. The people who believe in the rapture for instance (which I don’t think can be debated as anything but the most elitist belief ever held) are the people he’s speaking to.

Then,……factor in Obama lost like 9 points in the polls after both of these insanely transparently hypocritical commercials aired. As in they kind of worked (who knows about polls, it’s August and most young people only use cell phones now.), but still?

Then,…..factor in the real kicker, many of the delusional liberal talking heads and columnists have criticized the commercials for their ‘subliminal messages’ of race and white women/black man sexual connotations. As if face value bullshit was too hard or easy to call, let’s go for the black hawk helicopter subliminal theories. Brilliant.

November can’t come soon enough.

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