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Greetings from Vermont

I write from beautiful Vermont, where at the moment it is pouring rain. I care not. It’s nice to have a couple of hundred miles between me and Norwich, Connecticut, with two work free weeks ahead of me.

Unfortunately, life is full of minor disappointments, even on vacation. In years past the tenant who occupied the upstairs apartment in the house we rent has, albeit unknowingly, provided free wireless to us. It was sketchy at times, since we didn’t always get good reception, but it was still a great convenience. Unfortunately, she moved away. We were told the new tenant is a newspaper reporter, so we hoped he’d also have wireless, maybe with a stronger signal, but alas, it was not to be.

For every cloud, etc. The lack of internet access means we can remain blissfully unaware of the doings in the world, which at the moment I am, though it came to my attention that the Russians and the Georgians have started a war while we weren’t looking. More good news.

Herewith a couple of pictures of our first guests. My wife’s nephew came to visit with a formerly abused dog named “Smokey”, which they’ve adopted. He was the sweetest dog in the world and he had a wonderful time in the pond.

A new set of relatives arrived shortly thereafter, and the kids all got along great immediately. Feeding the ducks is a favorite pastime:

Into each life some rain must fall. In our case, the rain is both literal (see above) and figurative. We are at a coffee shop, in which we have to pay for internet access. I can live with that, but it keeps cutting off, which is a bit much. At least I’ve refreshed my RSS feeds, so I can catch up on the world a bit later.

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