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Video Press Releases

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I don’t watch much television, and of course we’re not in a swing state, so I haven’t seen this in action, but this post at The Washington Monthly is entirely and depressingly believable.

John McCain doesn’t actually have to pay to run his ads on television. The networks take care of that for him, giving him free time. It’s a neat trick. He releases a new ad to the media that he says he intends to run in the swing states. The networks play the ad incessantly. The more outrageous the better. The recent “Hillary was right” ad is an example.

In fact, McCain almost never pays anyone to actually run the ads. He doesn’t have to, because the media obligingly plays them for him, for free. This is not a “fool me once” situation. For our national broadcast media, and when it comes to Republicans, “won’t get fooled again” never enters the equation. They fall for it every time. In a rational world the networks would be before the bar of justice for illegal donations to the McCain campaign.

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