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Joe can’t eat with the Dems anymore

Harry Reid may or may not have kicked Joe Lieberman out of the Democrat’s dining room. It’s a small step, but hardly gratifying enough, especially considering the fact that Reid’s spokesman is now denying it. If a similar situation occurred on the Republican side we wouldn’t be talking about dining rooms, we’d be hearing about tar and feathers.

I have a dream. Well, it’s a dream within a nightmare. Lieberman is counting on a cabinet post should we face the nightmare of a McCain presidency. Cabinet posts, as well as most truly important government positions must be confirmed by the Senate. Wouldn’t it be nice if the Democrats stood together and said “No” to Joe? We fervently pray the situation never arises, but should it happen it would be only justice to turn Joe down for any post he seeks.

Update: I just noticed this. Joe’s legislative director, Joe Goffman, resigned to protest Lieberman’s apostasy.

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