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I’m no big fan of Andrew Sullivan, though he does seem to have the intellectual honesty to be repelled by modern day Republicanism. But I was interested in this post from his blog, which my wife passed along to me. I’ve never been convinced that Sarah Palin is indeed the mother of that poor baby they are now using as a prop. I wrote about the rumours when she first got nominated, and the news that the daughter is now (allegedly) pregnant has not quieted all my doubts. Apparently Sullivan had questions too, but he has something I don’t have, the email addresses of people high up in the McCain campaign. So he asked them in private emails:

“I’m very sorry to say, it’s come to this: can you confirm on the record that Trig Palin is Sarah Palin’s biological son? . . . Since this is a crazy idea, it should be easy for you or someone to let me know, the most popular one-man political blog site in the world, what the truth is.”

Now they could have answered, or they could have ignored him, but they took the third way, the Republican way, and tried to smear him. You can read about it in the full post, to which I’ve linked above. His conclusion:

But since this is now all in the open, you deserve to know what your blogger has been trying to do in private for three weeks: just get a factual answer to a factual question on the record.

They won’t. They cannot take the time to confirm on the record that Trig is Sarah’s biological son, but they will try to smear the person asking. What does that tell you?

It tells me that they are typical Republicans and they are covering something up. But then again, maybe not. Smearing people who question them has become so reflexive with them that it is their all purpose answer to everything that comes their way. They even do it when they’d be better off just telling the truth, but the thought of doing that never crosses their minds.

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