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Debating points

Speaking of Tuesday’s Congressional debate (see previous post): I know that the only way Republicans can win is by insulting the intelligence of the voters. It often works, and given their policies, they have no alternative. But isn’t there a limit? On more than one occasion during Tuesday’s debate, Sullivan lambasted Joe because, despite the fact that Joe favored something during the 2006 election (e.g., ending the war) the problem still persisted. Is there anyone out there really stupid enough to believe that one freshman Congressman can be held responsible for the fact that his entire agenda has not been accomplished in two years? Of course, for those of us who follow these things the charge is particularly infuriating coming from a Republican, since it has been Republican intransigence and obstructionism that has made it nearly impossible for the Democrats to achieve much in this Congress.

Sullivan is not going to Congress, so it’s an academic question. But I would still like someone to ask him at the next debate: If you are elected will you pledge to serve only one term if Congress has not adopted each and every one of your policy positions in the next two years?

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