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Paranoia Strikes Deep

Sarah Palin is campaigning in Pennsylvania and is denouncing the “unconscionable voter fraud” going on in Pennsylvania. While the media is dutifully running with, and misrepresenting the story, it is an issue unlikely to have much resonance with the voters, particularly coming from the representatives of a party that is widely suspected of stealing the 2000 election, and about whom a good argument can be made that it stole the 2004 election as well. It sounds a bit like sour grapes in advance, doesn’t it?

The actual story is a non-story. The evidence for the accusations of voter fraud is so weak that Republican U.S. Attorneys refused to prosecute, which led to the firings and the U.S. Attorney scandal that erupted recently. There is nothing in the newest charges that would lead any reasonable person to believe that the current charges are just more of the same.

Perhaps I’m being paranoid, but I suspect this line of attack is intended to lay the groundwork for a court challenge to the election results if McCain makes it close enough to enable them to pass their own laugh test, which may not be much of a test. I don’t think many non-lawyers understand just how lawless the Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore was. There is simply no reason to believe the court would not grasp at any legal theory, however implausible to do it again.

UPDATE: As Josh Marshall says, the purge is beginning. And McCain is laying the groundwork for a Florida challenge:


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