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Obama Party (sort of)

Obama lawn signs have been flying out of headquarters as fast as we can get them. We scheduled an event today to give out the signs we expected to arrive on Friday, along with any other Obama paraphernalia anyone wanted. The signs did arrive, but by 2:00 today, when the event started, the signs were mostly gone. Nonetheless, we had a good time, ingesting sugar and watching the talking heads on MSNBC obsess about Colin Powell. This is how I spent my day, along with doing my treasurer duties, since a report is due soon. Therefore, no thinking, and no blogging, though some, I suppose, would say I often blog without thinking.

In lieu thereof, some pictures of folks at headquarters mugging with Obama. I’ve inserted these pictures as a “gallery”. Click on a thumbnail once to see the full picture (they seem to get arbitrarily cropped) and again to see it even larger.

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