My family has established yet another Holiday tradition-a trip to New York City between Christmas and New Years. In years past we have taken in a Broadway play, but times are tough and belt tightening is in order, so this year we decided to go to the Guggenheim. Herewith a few pictures of the Big Apple.
It wouldn’t be New York, of course, if you didn’t run into a superhero. Based on the movies I’ve viewed, the place is crawling with them, and sure enough, when we stopped along the way to the museum for a coffee, who should we see but Spiderman? The fact that we were at the atrium at the Sony Store was, I’m sure, purely coincidental.
The Guggenheim is a beautiful building, though I must say the current featured exhibition, photographs by Catherine Opie, left me a bit cold. The other main attraction consisted of a collaboration of artists that, according to the museum’s website:
Working independently and in various collaborative constellations, they eschewed the discrete aesthetic object in favor of the exhibition environment as a dynamic arena, ever expanding in its physical and temporal parameters.
I have no reason to believe they did not succeed in their artistic endeavors, as I have no idea what the above means. Mostly the fruit of their efforts consisted of slogans written on the wall, or hanging from the ceiling, many of which made no sense whatsoever. However, this one, despite all our troubles, seemed to ring true as we usher in the age of Obama:
But alas, not everyone shares that optimistic viewpoint. This is the Holiday season, a time, as we all know, when depression runs deep for many. At least one person must have concluded that everything was not going to turn out alright, so, apparently, he threw himself off the upper level, landing in a pool of water in the lobby. You can just make out his body in this photo:
This being New York, and as you can see, he was totally ignored. Some time after I took the foregoing shocking photo I was able to get closer. It’s my understanding that they are still trying to identify the poor fellow:
I leave you with this photo that my son took, which depicts the fog enshrouded buildings on the West Side of Central Park, with the pond in the foreground. I thought it was a great picture.
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