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Deliver us from Harry Reid

The Democrats have a real problem with Harry Reid. Right now we can see the pattern being set for weak, ineffectual, vacillating “leadership” of the Senate, which will inevitably lead to a failure to pass and implement Obama’s programs. The same people who rolled over to give Bush, an unelected President, carte blanche for eight years will join the Republicans to cripple Obama in the early going

First, let us pause to consider where Reid chooses to make a stand. Whatever you think of the Burris appointment, the fact is that there is no legal way that he can be refused a seat. Posturing prior to the appointment was acceptable, but posturing now makes no sense. It is particularly depressing that the Democrats can’t simply come forward and say that the law is the law, like it or not, and that Burris gets the seat. He’s an odd duck, but from all appearances, far superior to what passes for Senators from most of the red states. Reid has managed to make a bad situation far worse by fighting a battle that he must inevitably lose. He will inevitably have to back down, something he’s actually pretty good at, but Burris may be the first Democrat that’s ever made him do it.

Meanwhile, we have the spectacle of Harry Reid, the long time Bush enabler, signaling that he will by no means be enabling Obama:

Reid stated, “I don’t believe in the executive power trumping everything… I believe in our Constitution, three separate but equal branches of government.”

“If Obama steps over the bounds, I will tell him. … I do not work for Barack Obama. I work with him,” he said.

Those are actually very laudable sentiments. Who can disagree? Harry may even have endorsed them during the Bush presidency, but if he ever talked the talk, he never walked the walk. Somehow, he couldn’t bring himself to actually face down the man he says was the worst president in history. Unfortunately, there’s little doubt that he’ll walk the walk now, frustrating Obama while continuing to roll over and spout his “It takes 60 votes to pass anything in the Senate” nonsense whenever the Republicans decide to be obstructionist, which will, by the way, be always.

The Democrats and Obama have about a 6 month window of opportunity to prove that they can govern effectively. The Republicans are going to try to shut that window, but they needn’t go to a great deal of effort. The Democrats, with Reid in the “lead”, will shut it for them.

Reid, by the way, also believes that poor Ted Stevens should be spared jail time. According to Reid, poor Ted just didn’t understand that we’re living in a different world from the graft ridden one in which he rose to power, and that he’s been punished enough. As far as I know, so far he’s only lost an election. I’ve probably lost more elections than Stevens. Maybe I should get some get out of jail free card for a crime of my choice.

I hazard a prediction: every major piece of legislation proposed by Obama will die or be maimed in the Senate.

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