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Lieberman again

Joe Lieberman is becoming a parody of himself.

The full story is here at the Washington Monthly. Here’s the synopsis.

Every time Congress passes a law providing funds for school construction (including universities and colleges) it includes language that is probably constitutionally required: that none of the funds go toward constructing anything that is primarily meant for religious purposes, such as a chapel. The language has never been controversial. Until now, when Republicans eager to torpedo the stimulus package seized on the language and portrayed it as an assault on the right of college students to practice their religion. Of course, it’s no such thing, and an amendment to strip the language went down to defeat. Alarmingly it got 43 votes. Or, as Steven Benen at the Washington Monthly put it: “There are 43 senators who tried to change the stimulus bill because a TV preacher’s lawyer got confused and lied about what’s in the bill.”

Yes, you already guessed it. Our sorry excuse for a Senator was among the 43.

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