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Off to D.C.-and how about that guy Gregg

We’re off to the Nation’s Capital to visit our first born. If things go as planned, we’ll also be attending a presentation by George McGovern on Abraham Lincoln. McGovern will be speaking at the National Press Club about his Lincoln biography, which is part of the Presidential Biography Series. He certainly drew a winner. Can you imagine being chosen for Pierce, Buchanan or Bush fils?

If possible I’ll be posting from our hotel, assuming they have wireless and assuming that there’s somewhere I can rest a computer. I’ve found in the past that some hotels have wireless, but it doesn’t occur to them that a computer user needs some sort of surface on which to put said computer. Life sure is tough for us bloggers.

Before I go I can’t resist a jab at Judd Gregg. This fellow is just a mite unstable. It would be interesting to knew the backstory on this. We know that he put himself forward for the job. Best guess is that he was surprised that Obama actually expected him to implement Obama’s policies, and not his own. A prediction: this will be played as an Obama failure to achieve bi-partisanship, rather than a sign of the inability of Republicans to transcend partisanship.

For a more extended argument about the bi-partisanship trap, read this and bear in mind that the Republican legislative strategy, when they were in the majority, was to craft legislation that would past with the barest of minorities, precisely to play as close to their base as they possibly could. When they did it, it was brilliant. This is not a case of a double standard. It’s a case of multiple standards, all of which favor the GOP. Luckily, the public appears to be acquiring an immunity to Republican memes. The press may play Obama as a failure, but it’s not likely that will spread to the reality based community outside the beltway.

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