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More Pics from Washington

Still in DC. Seems like we spent most of the day eating. I got up early to wander around taking pictures. Our hotel is near the Capitol, so I was able to get a few pictures early in the morning, before there were any people around. For reasons I can’t fathom, you are allowed free access to the front of the building but you can’t approach it from the rear, which is too bad because the rear, which commands a hilltop view of the mall, would provide some good vistas. Maybe they’re afraid that someone could bombard the White House from the rear of the Capitol, which, if true, gives a bit of insight into the priorities of our security folks, vis a vis the various branches of government.

Anyway, here’s a shot of the Capitol in the early morning sun, at which time the marble has a bit of a pink cast to it.

Down near the reflecting pool, around the back, U.S. Grant, flanked by a lion (not depicted-symbolism not clear) keeps watch.

We spent the afternoon in Georgetown, where picture taking opportunities are scarce, at least at that time of the day, when people and cars are swarming everywhere. This is the Old Stone House, or a portion thereof, reputedly the oldest structure in DC.

And this is a portion of a storefront. Obama seems quite popular in this town. I can’t imagine why.

Back to the Land of Steady Habits tomorrow.

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