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Nearly Homeless in Massachusetts

What sacrifices the great must make to their ambitions.Poor Mitt Romney has put two of his homes on the market, including the “cabin” in Utah, shown below.

Poor Mitt. He says he’s not unloading these hovels so he won’t have trouble in 2012 remembering how many houses he has. You can believe that if you like, but I submit that dog won’t hunt.

I have some news for Mitt. His presidential aspirations are only slightly less delusional than Jim Amann’s gubernatorial hopes. His careful cultivation of the lunatic fringe is now all for naught. Those are Sarah’s people now. Say what you will, she’s truly one of them, and not a possible closet moderate. Not only that, she believes like they do, in witches and creationism, but not, like Mitt, that Jesus and Satan were brothers1 . Why cast your lot with a Mormon when you’ve got a genuine Christian crazy close at hand?

With Sarah capturing the nut vote Romney so assiduously courted, he’ll have to tack back toward the center. There’s a problem with that. First, there’s very little center left to the Republican party. Second, whatever moderates are left contain whatever intelligence is left in the Republican party, and they won’t cotton easily to a guy who changes opinions faster than a model changes clothes. Mitt could try to appeal to the corporate crowd, but their numbers are few, and given their probable on-going need for government bailouts, the all tax cut Republican dogma (you don’t pay taxes if you’re losing money) might not have the appeal it had in the past.

  1. Romney may not actually believe this, but his situation is such that he can’t deny that he does.?

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