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Browser Review

I had an English teacher in high school who was fond of quoting this line from Alexander Pope:

Be not the first by whom the new are tried, nor yet the last to lay the old aside

She was an old biddy, and perhaps because I disliked her intensely, I have ignored Alexander’s advice, sometimes to my cost. I love new gadgets and I invariably download beta upgrade versions of software that is working perfectly reliably, often with disastrous results.

Not this time, or at least not so far.

Today I downloaded the new version of Apple’s browser, Safari 4.0 beta. At first I felt I had brought on another disaster, but I kept my head. The program was hanging up, but I suspected that a plug-in that I use and love was responsible. Once I installed the new version of the plug-in (I had to use Firefox to get it, since it had put Safari out of commision), the program worked great. Web pages do, as Apple claims, load faster. The ITunes like history browser is cool, as is the Top Sites page, though in truth I’m not sure how often I’ll use that particular feature.

Anyway, highly recommended (so far), at least for use on the Mac. At work, on my pedestrian PC, I’m sticking with Firefox.

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