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A Lamb prepares for the slaughter

According to the Norwich Bulletin, at least one Republican is ready to take on Joe Courtney in 2010:

Glastonbury Republican Matthew M. Daly has declared his candidacy for the Second Congressional District, challenging two-term incumbent Democrat Joseph Courtney.

Daly said he will campaign on a platform of “bringing efficient, effective governance to Congress, restoring core values and sound economic policies.”

It would be interesting to hear about the sound economic policies he wants to restore. Would those be the policies that got us into our present mess? Or, is he hearkening back to the 19th century, back to the days of freewheeling capitalism and child labor?

Unless someone else gets into the mix quickly, Daly will be the guy. It takes the better part of two years to put together a respectable campaign against a popular incumbent. I don’t expect Daly, who was crushed by Edith Prague in a State Senate race, to put together much of a campaign, but he may be all they have.

I look forward to Daly’s candidacy. I was somewhat hampered last time around by the fact that Sean Sullivan occupies a desk at my law firm within my line of sight. It wouldn’t have done to get all full throated about someone if you know you’ll be working with them after the election. No such inhibitions will be in play this time around, though this guy sounds like such a loser there might not be much need to pay attention to the race.

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