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Tim Kaine, DNC Chair, carries water for the right

Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, who is an alleged Democrat, former long shot candidate for President, and current head of the DNC, just signed a law allowing Virginians to buy “Choose Life” license plates. The proceeds go to fund anti-abortion front groups posing as pregnancy clinics.

Kaine, who is allegedly in favor of a woman’s right to choose, explained that he would be perfectly willing to sign a bill allowing for similar plates for Planned Parenthood, a pledge he will no doubt never have to back up with deeds.

We can assume he was telling the truth about that pledge, but it doesn’t justify the decision. The state has no business raising money for advocacy groups, and it particularly has no business raising money for groups that conduct their business by deception. The whole point of the organizations funded by these groups is to maintain a facade of professionalism while pursuing a religious agenda.

This incident shines yet another light on a certain asymmetry between the way in which Republicans and Democrats operate. Republicans go out of their way to placate their bases (see S.C. Governor Sanford) even when it hurts them with the general public; Democrats go out of their way to outrage their base, even when the general public is with their base, or doesn’t much care. In the end, each approach is self destructive. Though the Republicans may at the moment be inflicting more damage on themselves, the Democratic way is more mystifying. The country is moving left, and the Democrats insist on burnishing their credentials with an ever more irrelevant right.

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