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Weekend picture blogging, 2nd Edition

Alert readers may have noticed that I posted nothing yesterday. Oddly enough, the world continued to turn.

I had a good reason for this neglect. Both of my offspring were here, and we were celebrating a couple of birthdays (mine recently past, and my younger son’s, soon to come). We went for an excursion aboard the Argia, a sailboat that sails down the Mystic River, turns around and comes back. Among those aboard the Argia were a newly wed couple, a sailor and his bride. (He was wearing a sailor suit, in any event.) Herewith, a few pictures, for those of my readers not from the immediate area. Once again, both the colors and the sharpness are better if you click on the picture for an enlargement. For folks from Groton these sights are pretty routine:

And now for something completely different. At the moment I am sitting here on my patio, enjoying the ceaseless animal activity. We live on the remnants of an old farm. About 40 feet from where I sit, is a well preserved (four seater!) outhouse, from which hangs a birdhouse which is the social center of the local small fauna, not only the birds, but squirrels, chipmunks, voles (both of the latter often scurry right by me here on the patio) and groundhogs, not to mention the omnipresent deer, with whom we uneasily co-exist. The rodents (other than the groundhogs) eat the leavings of the seeds that fall from the squirrel proof bird feeder, thereby themselves uneasily coexisting with the ground birds, who grub for the same thing. We’ve toyed with the idea of mounting a webcam out there, but so far that’s as far as we’ve gone.

I’m no expert, but I think this is some sort of woodpecker:

Finally, the Sunflowers are blooming in my wife’s garden:

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