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Straining at gnats

I’ve noted before that California is dysfunctional as a result of the referendum system, which has, courtesy of the right wing, rendered the state ungovernable. The people of the state have voted themselves tax decreases, spending increases, and governmental paralysis, bringing themselves to their present sorry state.

To top it all off, they have a governor of the Jodi Rell school, grandstanding while the state falls apart around him. California is paying its bills with warrants, andwhat is Schwarzenegger demanding as his price to sign a budget:

Among the changes Mr. Schwarzenegger insists be included in a budget agreement are the fingerprinting of recipients of certain state services for the poor and infirm, tighter checks on the job status of those who receive welfare benefits and changes to the state pension program.

He’s got a $27 billion dollar budget deficit, and he’s worrying about things that, agree with him or not, are of negligible importance.

Again, it’s curious that the Times article makes only glancing reference to the fact that California’s problems are largely self inflicted, even taking into account the bad economic times. The current crisis merely accelerated an inevitable outcome.

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