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Friday Night Music-The Dead

The consensus at our last Drinking Liberally was that I had never posted any videos of The Grateful Dead, a grievous oversight which I shall try to rectify today.

In truth, for reasons I cannot explain, I never listened to the Dead when I was young. I never owned one of their albums, never went to their concerts, and never even, so far as I can recall, made a reel on reel tape (yes, I had a reel on reel, I am that old) of someone else’s album.

So, my knowledge of the band practically begins and ends with Keep on Truckin’ which I present here:

While grazing through youtube looking for Dead stuff, I was somewhat surprised at the paucity of material. Given their reputation for allowing taping, etc., I thought there’d be a lot of stuff, but there’s not really that much, and some of the videos I watched were terribly out of sync (music lagging the words by seconds). I did stumble on this one, which I enjoyed: an older Jerry Garcia singing Peggy-O.

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