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Ignorance of the law-the Republican excuse

I’m really puzzled. I found my way to this article from the New Orleans Times-Picayune about the Senator from Louisiana. It seems the normally law and order Republicans have an awfully forgiving attitude about criminal behavior, providing it’s one of their own that is committing the crimes. Then again, that’s been standard operating procedure since they stole the 2000 election. Talk about soft on crime though:

Vitter made a brief statement to his Republican colleagues at the luncheon, reportedly reiterating the comments he made in Louisiana. Applause could be heard inside the room. Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., who like most members wouldn’t disclose what Vitter said, reported that his comments went over well.

“People were very supportive,” Thune said. “People realize he has worked through this this past week. I think everybody is ready to move forward.”

Vitter’s Republican Senate colleagues generally praised him for taking responsibility and making amends with his wife. Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., said he was “really impressed” with Wendy Vitter, who at Monday’s press conference said her husband was her best friend.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, exemplified the forgive-and-forget view voiced by Senate Republicans.

“My attitude is he’s doing everything he can to rectify the mistake he made and should be allowed to do so,” Hatch said. “I’m a great believer in redemption.”

For the rest of us, redemption involves time in the pokey, or at least time on probation, but for Vitter all it takes is for him to announce that God has forgiven him. These Republicans sure do a lot of talking with God, who always seems to tell them what they want to hear. Apparently once you can report to your fellow Republicans that God has forgiven you, they feel duty bound to go along. After all, how can you argue with the big guy?

Lest anyone think the Republicans are hypocrites, think again. These LAWmakers are simply ignorant and have no idea if procuring a prostitute is a crime. It’s way beyond their expertise. Just ask them:

The senators turned skittish, however, when asked by reporters if they were concerned that Vitter may have broken the law. Solicitation for prostitution is a misdemeanor although it’s probably too late to prosecute a 2001 offense. The statute of limitations in Washington, D.C., is three years and two years in Louisiana.

“That is not my area,” said Hatch, who served for years as the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee where he was responsible for confirming judges and writing criminal laws.

“I don’t know what the law is,” Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., a former federal prosecutor, said tersely before walking away.

“I’m not an expert in prostitution law, I’m pleased to say,” Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said.

Do I detect a bit of snark on the part of the reporter? I don’t practice criminal law, but I wouldn’t need to bone up to give the ignorant Senators a seminar on the basics of prostitution law. Here’s the course outline: it’s illegal to sell sex. It’s also illegal to buy sex. It’s really not complicated.

On a somewhat related matter, Larry Flynt has promised more names, including one Senator, whose identity would come as a surprise. My wife and I were thinking-wouldn’t it be great if it were Saint Joe? Vain hope? Probably. Still, one can dream.

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