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In this morning’s Day we learn that John Edwards failed to score points with a union crowd in Chicago at a candidates debate. The debate took place before a large and raucous union crowd. How do we know that Edwards failed to score? Well, we don’t have to take the reporter’s (a labor reporter no less) word for it. Look at who confirmed his story line for him:

“I thought the candidates left the forum in exactly the same condition they came in,” said Marick Masters, professor of business administration with the Katz Business School at the University of Pittsburgh. “Clinton and Obama are still the front-runners. The race is still between them. I don’t think Edwards got in any major hits in this stadium.”

What’s that you say? You have your doubts about whether a professor of business administration necessarily talks for union members? Not to worry, there’s more:

Democratic analyst Donna Brazile said Clinton did a great impression of playing Muhammad Ali during the debate, dodging and weaving as her rivals threw punches.

“The other candidates are trying to take a piece of her but failed,” Brazile said. “She can avoid the punches and still land some blows. That speaks volumes on why she’s the front-runner.”

Still not impressed? A tad suspicious that Ms. Brazile might be a Clinton supporter, and that her analysis might be a tad slanted? Have no fear. A quick Google search fails to turn up a single instance in which she has expressed direct support for Hillary (this year). Please ignore the fact that she has been a member of the Clinton retinue for years.

As to union members or leaders? Not a single one is quoted.

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