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Person of the Year

While at the Supermarket recently I saw, to my initial surprise, that Time Magazine has named Ben Bernanke person of the year. I had actually read what I thought were rumors that he might win this prestigious award, but I discounted that as being wildly absurd. I haven’t read the article, but upon reflection I have come to agree with Time’s choice. I assume, of course, that Bernanke was chosen not because he accomplished anything of note, but because he perfectly exemplified where we are as a nation. If that’s the criteria, and I’m sure it is, who better symbolized our great nation than Ben Bernanke?

Here is a guy who was in a position to stop, or at least minimize the great economic train wreck before it happened, but apparently missed all the obvious signs that his brethren at Goldman Sachs were betting on. Once the proverbial waste product hit the fan, he stepped right up and shoveled free money as fast as he could to the very people who caused the problems, no strings attached of course. (Attached strings are for welfare recipients and other scum, not captains of industry) He is now busying himself trying his level best to make sure that the governmental response to the criminal behavior that led up to this is weak and ineffectual enough to maximize the chance that it will happen yet again.

Now, in light of that, is there anybody out there more deserving of this recognition? I think not.

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