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A prognostication

The Democrats are busy drawing the wrong lessons from yesterday’s Massachusett’s debacle. But we may take some cheer in the fact that quite likely the Republicans are missing the cloud in the silver lining. The fruits of victory, in politics at least, often contain the seeds of future defeats.

Scott Brown is the new Republican hero, and unless I miss my guess, he will now be propelled, Obama style, over the heads of his seniors, dull to a man all, into the ranks of potential presidential candidates. Why not? He’s better looking than Romney, and is not a Mormon. He is every bit as empty headed as Sarah Palin, but people are far less aware of that than they are about the deficiencies of the Alaska airhead. He has heavy cred with the tea partiers, whose every wet dream has come true. Besides, the lure of national politics, and the prospects of being a half termer at home, will force him to turn on his home state, just like Mitt. So might we not look forward to a rollicking good time in 2012, when he, Sarah, Mitt and Mike (poor Tim will be sadly forgotten) go head to head after their party’s nomination? Will their respective adherents (I will eschew references to Kool-Aid or zombies) accept the judgment of the delegates assembled, or will we have a spectacle that will make the ’92 Republican convention look civil? Can any of these people weather a year long campaign and have any sort of appeal to the still not crazy portion of the American public (I am an optimist, I still think there are more of us not-crazies than nut jobs). Even the Democrats, given enough time, should be able to beat any one of those folks.

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