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Blumenthal’s brilliant move

There are only two ways to explain Blumenthal’s political brilliance in claiming to have been in Vietnam, when he wasn’t, since this should certainly attract a lot of Republican voters that would otherwise have voted for McMahon.

First, he may have a rich fantasy life, and actually believe he was in Vietnam. In this respect, he is akin to the godlike Ronald Reagan, whose own fantasy about liberating concentration camps in WWII never became an issue, much to no Democrat’s surprise. Surely the Republicans will flock to vote for any candidate so similar to this mythical figure, who was the greatest president of all time, aside from the fact that his greatest achievement was beginning the destruction of the American economy.

The other possibility is that this is a merely cynical move to attract Republican votes by merely appearing to be like the sainted Ronnie. Surely no non-deluded person could have any other reason to have lied so frequently about something that was, more or less, a matter of public record. If this theory is correct, we must question his timing. We are, after all, only days from the convention, but he has that sewn up, since he has no opposition to whom Democrats not impressed with his brilliance can turn, other than an individual more deluded than Ronnie ever was. Why waste this type of good stuff now, when you can wait until just before the election?

Of course, this may be just part of a long term plan. For his second act, Blumenthal might try leaking word that he also frequents whores while wearing diapers, which appears to be a move that also enhances one’s standing among Republican voters, although it appears to draw almost no media attention, and may thus not advance his cause as much as one might think.

And if that doesn’t work, there are any number of other proven Republican tactics for trolling for votes that he might care to emulate. The trick is, you have to know how to pull it off. Either you or your surrogates should blame the press, or your political enemies. It works great for Republicans.

But despite what appears on the surface to be a brilliant move, I nonetheless suspect that this might not work for Blumenthal. There’s a rule of politics that he might have forgotten. What was it again? Oh, yes IOKIYAR (But, oh my God, even that rule appears to have exceptions!).

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