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Cold comfort, but comfort nonetheless

According to a poll commissioned by Daily Kos, Ned Lamont would handily beat Joe Lieberman today, if the voters of Connecticut had another chance to vote. Most of the shift, as you would expect, comes from the Democrats and Independents who were taken in by Lieberman. By the way, it’s hard to believe that the election was less than a year ago. So much damage has been done by LIeberman and his pals since then that it’s hard to believe they could do it all in a year.

The folks at Firedoglake have it about right:

That Ned was willing to enter the race last year when the geniuses at the head of the Democratic Party were telling everyone to shut up about the war, put his own money into challenging the war lobby by beating its own toad prince in the primary and then fighting him and his Democratic Senate buddies in the general, is to his credit. He awakened the shiftless and the recalcitrant up to the reality that the party’s voters wanted their candidates to do more than smile, kiss babies and be Not Republican. We want them to end the war.
We owe him and everyone who worked on his behalf a great debt of gratitude.

Joe won the election but in doing so diminished himself into the pitiful, Ann Coulter loving spectacle that he is today. We in Connecticut who backed Ned from the first can be justly proud that we were instrumental in changing the national conversation and in pushing the leaders of the pathetic Democratic Party into listening to the people for once instead of the pundits.

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