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Forgotten again

I don’t know whether the NAACP’s complaints about Malloy’s transition team are valid, but as a Southeastern Connecticut transplant, I feel I must point out that, as near as I can see, Nancy Wyman hails from about as far to the east as anyone on the team, and Malloy really couldn’t not put her on the team.

It’s not surprising that we to the east have been forgotten once again. We might, were we so minded, take some measure of pride in the fact that we evoke a certain measure of bi-partisanship: Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, all ignore us.

The sad fact is that there are substantial differences between our part of the state, and that part that shades over into Yankee territory. There’s a whole different culture here, and we do deserve some measure of representation. After all, we vote and pay taxes.

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