Last week I had jury duty. While we were in the “jury assembly room” we were, of course, subjected to the inevitable television, which appears to be the chief method used in this country to tranquilize people in waiting rooms. I suppose I should be thankful that we were spared the almost inevitable Fox channel. Instead of that hyper-irritant, they inflicted CNN on us.
CNN was reporting on the British student protests, and the court employee (a recent student himself judging by his age) who inflicted the television on us made a remark to the effect that they had nothing to complain about since our state universities, nowadays, typically charge four times what the British will be asked to pay.
I kept my mouth shut of course, but in my own humble opinion, the question is not why the British students are protesting, but why American students have been so quiescent while their right to acquire an education without acquiring massive debt has been slowly eroded. These mounting fees are just one more brick in the wall that is steadily being erected between the 2% who are about to secure their tax cut, and the rest of us, who are about to pay for that tax cut.
It’s time, it seems to me, for our kids to join this 15 year old Britisher (who has a future as a politician; let us hope he stays on our side). Our generation is screwing them big time, and it really seems like they should start fighting back.
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