Christine O’Donnell has started a PAC, called ChristinePAC, the purpose of which appears to be to provide for the support and maintenance of Christine O’Donnell. The PAC will be operating out of her home, presumably to legitimize the use of PAC funds to pay her bills.
This is one bright side of the Citizens United decision. While it has paved the way for corporations to increase their already dominant position in American life, it has also enabled grifters to legally, or at least, apparently legally, siphon off vast sums of money from easily deluded right wingers that might otherwise go to effective political action. The Supreme Court has, as a by-product of its decision, legalized the grifter way of life, at least in the political realm. All that money that might otherwise have caused real harm to the body politic will now merely harmlessly enrich crazy Christine. Of course, O’Donnell’s not the only grifter worthy of Hall of Fame status. Certainly Sarah is in her league. In fact, its nip and tuck between them as to who is the greatest grifter of them all. My vote is with Christine, because she accomplished it without having to go the bother of every actually accomplishing anything. Sarah, on the other hand, got herself elected governor of Alaska. It’s not much, but it’s something.
There is nothing similar on the left. Lyndon LaRouche doesn’t count, as he defies political categorization, and he runs a cult, a different sort of beast altogether. Christine and Sarah are pure grifters, but they are only the tip of the iceberg. Who can forget the shadowy Republican fundraisers who raise money nationwide for obscure and hopeless Republican candidates and manage to pocket all the proceeds while losing their elections big-time. They too serve the cause, by draining money that might otherwise be put to good use. God Bless Them All.
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