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Obama gets Osama, but will he get the credit?

From what I’ve read, it looks like Obama deserves a lot of credit for taking out Osama. Personally, I wish they could have taken him alive, but I know that’s probably asking too much.

Will Obama get the credit he deserves, for what was apparently a long term effort that he pushed hard on? My guess is that he won’t, since the Republicans ultimately control the narrative, Democrats being unwilling to push back on anything. The Republicans are a little off balance right now, but they’ll recover quickly. There will be two arguments.

First, the “serious” argument. The proponents will argue that this was all George Bush’s doing, history to the contrary notwithstanding. (And see also John McCain’s point blank statement that he would never do what Obama did) This has already started.

Second, the argument the birthers are likely to adopt: That Osama was not killed and this is all an elaborate hoax. After all, there’s no corpse, is there? All of those pictures and DNA tests are easily faked, just like birth certificates, etc. Look for folks like Limbaugh to whip it up.

The media will give credence to the “serious” argument while being pushed in that direction by the crazies. The Democrats will consider both claims so absurd that they deserve no response, just like John Kerry did with the swift boaters. And we all know how that turned out.

I hope I’m wrong about this. We’ll see.

Meanwhile, here’s a nifty little picture purloined fromJuan Cole’s site.

UPDATE: That didn’t take long. The conspiracy theories are already circulating

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