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Tim Pawlenty-down for the count

A while back (I’m too lazy to link) I observed that no one presently running for, or considered as running for, the Republican nomination for President can possibly be nominated. This presents, of course, a paradox, because despite the fact that, when examined individually, each candidate comes up so woefully short that it is impossible to conceive of him/her winning, yet as the night follows day, one of them will somehow be inflicted upon an incredulous world.

I said then that I would have a series of posts explaining why none of these people can win. Recent events have put Tim Pawlenty in the spotlight (I know about Sarah, but she’s always in the spotlight) so lets talk about him.

Tim recently announced his economic plan, which includes such breakthrough ideas as de-funding any government service for which you can find a private alternative on Google. Crazy? Sure, but this is trying too hard crazy. Here’s the thing about Tim. He’s a not terribly smart, but basically sane guy, trying his best to be the craziest guy on the block, but really not capable of pulling it off. Not only that, the fringe people see through him. The Donald was more in sync with the nutcases than Pawlenty will ever be. Pawlenty is trying, but he really can’t resonate with the base; he’s singing off key, so to speak, which is really tough for him because he comes from the same state as Michelle Bachmann, who is certifiably crazy. She sings sweet notes that only the Republican base can hear.

So, Pawlenty’s plan, which is already being laughed to scorn by even Republican economists, is not going to achieve its real objective and, of course, its not going to play with anyone with half a mind, which would appear to be the demographic to which Pawlenty would have the greatest appeal. The Google thing will follow him until the day he drops out, yet it won’t gain him more than a handful of crazies.

He’s doomed folks, along with all the rest of them.

Addendum: One of Pawlenty’s more absurd statements parsed here.

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