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This is what we’re up against

I’m sitting in my office around noon today, and I get a call. We operate rather democratically at my firm. My calls aren’t screened and I never know in advance who’s calling.

The caller is a man who doesn’t give his name until I ask. He begins by saying something to the following effect: I’m on disability and President Obama says we may not be getting our social security checks. Can I sue the Federal government?

No doubt this call was funneled to me because I do Social Security work. Something in the guy’s voice tells me: “tea party”, but one must not make assumptions, and after all, it’s an interesting question, at least theoretically, given the 14th Amendment. There are practical problems with tha approach, however, so I start to suggest he call his Congressman, but since Joe Courtney is as innocent as a lamb in this particular story, I instead suggest that he call the Republican party, at which point he tells me that it’s the Democrats who are doing this.

Intuition confirmed.

So I ask: Do you get your news from Fox?

Intuition confirmed yet again.

Needless to say the conversation went downhill fast from there. I suggested, among other things, that he might want to get his news from someone other than the propaganda arm of the Republican party and then gave him a bit of a lecture about debt ceilings, but I knew he was impervious.

I won’t be taking his case.

This is what we are up against. This person, and all the people at the senior citizens/disabled complex he purported to speak for, is completely dependent on government checks, including benefits from what is probably the government program to which the term “socialistic” is most applicable. Yet he believes every lie he hears on Fox, spoon fed by people who dream of eradicating the very program on which he depends. Just further proof of the stupidification of the nation.

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