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Santorum: Ignorant or Liar? We report, you decide.

The article at this link is mainly devoted to documenting Newt Gingrich’s hypocrisy in the matter of supporting American workers while buying foreign made stuff. ABC is asking the Republican candidates to explain the foreign made t-shirts and other doodads that their campaigns are distributed. Newt just hemmed and hawed, but Rick Santorum ran with it:

“Made in the Dominican Republic,” he answered: “It’s tragic that so many products in this country are made outside of this country. And what we have to do is create a different dynamic. I think my policies are very clear that we have to go out and make setting up a business in this country productive.
Unfortunately under this administration and frankly previous administrations we have had had a unfriendly environment, particularly to the textile business.

You probably can find a T-shirt occasionally made in the United States but it’s harder and harder to do. That’s the tragedy. It’s a case in point of the tragedy of those kinds of jobs that should be in the United States but are not.”

Matter of fact, it takes about 3 seconds to find a t-shirt made in this country, as the Google demonstrates. These Republicans really should learn that it’s far easier these days to uncover a lie than it used to be. But then, since the media rarely calls them on their lies, maybe they just don’t care.

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