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Rudy the untouchable (for now)

A number of people who read this blog have put me on their mass mailing lists. I confess I don’t read everything, but today I got one that asked the question: Why haven’t the other Republican candidates brought up Rudy’s poor performance on 9/11. For those of you who may not be up on this subject, you can get all the info by browsing around at the RealRudy website.

Here’s just part of the story about the Real Rudy:


I may have posted it before. That’s just one of Rudy’s massive screw ups. He also put the command center near the World Trade Center because he needed a love nest to meet with his future wife, then mistress. He might as well have put it on a bulls eye. It was destroyed, of course. That’s why he was running around the streets of NY on 9/11 instead of actually doing something.

So why are his opponents giving Rudy a free pass on this one? I’ll take a crack at it. Terrorism is pretty much all the Republicans have, or think they have, left. The Democrats are too wimpy to try to take it away from them, at least they have been to date. We don’t hear any of them wondering, for instance, why Bush didn’t take down Osama when he had the chance.. (Okay, I’m not vouching for that source 100%, but we all know Bush has blown the “War on Terror” from start to finish). In the absence of such attacks, the Republicans get to keep their rep as superior terror fighters.

If you take down the second meanest, terror fighter of them all, you risk exposing the truth about the Republican party as a whole. It’s really all they have left, apart from their fealty to an ever shrinking white male Christofascist base. They can’t take down Rudy on this issue, because they risk taking down themselves.

I hope I’m wrong in predicting they won’t do it, because it would be so much fun to watch.

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