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Friday Night Music-Veteran’s Day Concert

Okay, so it’s Veteran’s Day. To celebrate the holiday, I thought I’d root around for some songs about soldiers, and I’ve come up with four, so this is a bit of a concert.

First, Donovan, singing Universal Soldier:

A Doors Gem, a pretty good live version of Unknown Soldier:

This next song was written in 1996, which says a lot about the scars left on the American psyche by the Vietnam War. This version of Travelin’ Soldier, by the Dixie Chicks, is probably the best known. It was riding high on the charts when the Chicks allowed how they didn’t care much for George Bush, and immediately plummeted thereafter. It’s a great song, in my humble opinion.

Okay, many may find this next one sort of sappy, but my guess is that for a lot of soldiers back then and now, the last line of this song said it all.

The guy could sing.

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