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I’m so prescient

A while back I had this to say about the fact that Wall Street is pouring so much money into Scott Brown’s campaign:

One must wonder how much money Wall Street will have to raise for Scott Brown to overcome the harm articles like that in today’s Times (Wall Street Rallies Around Scott Brown for Senate Race) will do. As we proved here in Connecticut in 2010, at least in the more intelligent parts of the country, after a certain amount more money produces no additional return, provided the good guy has a reasonable sum of his/her own to spend. Warren will have plenty of money, both of her own and from third party groups. If Wall Street pours in extra millions, that very fact may lose Brown more votes than the money can buy.

Today, at the Daily Kos, discussing the results of a new Massachusetts poll showing Warren opening a 7 point lead:

While 23 percent say they are less likely to vote Warren for her support of Occupy Wall Street, 37 percent say they are less likely to support Brown for receiving so many donations from Wall Street.

In other words, even though Wall Street is panicking over Warren and dumping hundreds of thousands of dollars into negative ads against her, their support for Brown is actually hurting him.

Okay, granted. Only a beltway pundit could have failed to see it coming. But in the pundit trade, even here in the boonies, the absence of failure is itself a major accomplishment.

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