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Pity the Bush Administration when it can’t even find good liars

This is really embarrassing. How does this woman stand doing this every day? If you need proof that near competent (the best Bush ever managed to get) people are avoiding the sinking ship of this Administration, watch this video. The first rule of being a Republican Press Secretary is to lie and spin without looking and sounding like you’re lying and spinning. Poor Dana just can’t do it. Watch her as she tries to, among other things, tell us why Pakistan is different than Burma.


Not only is she terrible, but she skirts way too close to the truth. Why is Burma different than Pakistan? Because we don’t care if Pakistan has a dictator, so long as he does our bidding, or gives a good impression of doing so.

By the way, isn’t it interesting. We went into Iraq to remove a dictator who was abusing his own people and whom we thought had (but he didn’t have, did he?) weapons of mass destruction, a dictator, we should add, with whom we were once tight until he failed to behave as we wanted. Now we are tight with a dictator who abuses his own people and actually does have weapons of mass destruction. We sure have learned a lot, haven’t we.

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