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Buchanan exits, stage right

John Aravosis at Americablog notes that Pat Buchanan appears to have been (silently) dropped by MSNBC. All to the good. Aravosis gives this example of Buchanan’s only slightly coded racism. 

For what is a nation?

Is it not a people of a common ancestry, culture, and language who worship the same God, revere the same heroes, cherish the same history, celebrate the same holidays, share the same music, poetry, art, literature, held together, in Lincoln’s words, by “bonds of affection. . . . mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battle-?eld, and patriot grave, to every living heart and hearth-stone”?

If that is what a nation is, can we truly say America is still a nation? The European and Christian core of our country is shrinking. The birth rate of our native born has been below replacement level for decades. By 2020, deaths among white Americans will exceed births, while mass immigration is altering forever the face of America.

You have to wonder if it ever occurs to Pat that stuff like that, with the words slightly changed, was what the European Christians who ran this country were once saying about the Irish Catholics that were altering the face of America forever.  
While I am personally against the death penalty, I might reconsider if they imposed it on any racist that uses quotes from Lincoln to make his case. Almost as bad as Ron Paul trying to claim Martin Luther King as a personal hero. 

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