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Test: Cite one post election example of successful Democratic resistance to Bush

A commenter at TPM makes a good point:

The issue on Mukasey in regards to the Dems is not (should not) just be about which disheartening AG runs our even more disheartening DOJ. It’s that once again the Dems got boxed in by something as simple as a questionable nomination with nothing to show for it.

These guys just seem functionally unable to think past their next move, or to strategize on the most basic political level. How weak does this president need to be for these hapless Dems to score some points? Less popular than Nixon at his lowest point seems to be the bar, and that says a lot about this leadership, but can be summed up in six words: uniquely ineffective in the modern era.

So far, if I’m not mistaken, overturning a water bill veto is the only effective thing Congress has done in opposition to George Bush since the Democrats took over. Typically, of all the things he’s done, that particular veto was probably the closest he’s come to being right about something since the election. I can’t think of a single thing other instance in which they haven’t folded after just the least bit of pressure from the worst and most unpopular president in American History.

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