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Newt defends the poor

Newt’s still in it. Sarah says that a vote for Newt will annoy a liberal and all I can say is that I’ve never enjoyed being annoyed so much. You have to love the guy. He lives in the eternal present, totally lacking in self awareness or shame. Today he lectured Mitt Romney for saying he didn’t care about the poor:

GINGRICH: I’m fed up with politicians in either party dividing Americans against each other…the Founding Fathers wrote that we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, among with are life and the pursuit of happiness. The Founding Fathers meant all of us. Let me shock the Wall Street crowd. The Founding Fathers meant the 1 percent, who they called Americans. The Founding Fathers meant the very poor, who they called Americans. My goal is to find steps for every American to have a job, every American to work, every American to buy a house. I believe America was founded on a dream that we are in fact created equal and we have a chance to go out and have a chance to pursue happiness and that nobody of any background should be denied

Tomorrow he’ll be reminding everyone that he ended welfare. The next day he’ll be defending Wall Street. Whatever it takes, it’s all good, and what does it matter what he said yesterday. Yet they aren’t flip flops in the Romney sense. There’s something sui generis about Newt. May he run long and prosper, at least until August. 

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