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A great Democrat

A few days ago I put up a post that included this paragraph about our hapless Democrats:

Today a poll was released showing that 47% of the people in this country want the health care law repealed. And why not? All they hear is a steady drumbeat of criticism from the right and a deafening silence from the Democrats. Would people want it repealed if they knew what was in it? Unlikely. Will the Democrats make a concerted effort to let them know what’s in it, to be as aggressively in favor of the law as Republicans are against it? Need I ask?”

Well, the operative word in that paragraph is “concerted”, so I stand by my main point, but good friend Jason Gross, from Joe Courtney’s office emailed to remind me that Joe Courtney is an honorable exception. He hasn’t run away from the health care bill, and he deserves credit for it. From an article from the Connecticut Mirror:

The third-term congressman from Vernon hasn’t missed many chances to tout the upsides of a law that many of his fellow Democrats have not gone out of their way to promote. Courtney brought a primary care doctor to town hall meetings last year to talk about patients whose cancers were discovered because of free wellness visits that Medicare now covers because of health reform. He’s delivered floor speeches to point out what he considers positive developments from the law, about which Americans remain divided, according to national surveys.

We here in Eastern Connecticut can be justly proud of our current Congressman. Not only does he vote right (well, almost all the time-no one’s perfect), not only is he a real Democrat, but he is a truly nice guy, something you can’t say about many politicians, even those with whom you might agree.

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