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Yet another modest proposal

Back in 2007 both the Democratically controlled House and Senate passed Republican pushed resolutions condemning Moveon for hurting David Patreaus’s feefees. It was, pure and simple, a stunt designed to alienate the Democrats from their base, and the Democrats fell for it hook, line and sinker. There was, in fact, no national revulsion at what Moveon had done. It was a ginned up controversy.

In 2009 a Democratic controlled Congress, again at the instigation of Republicans, destroyed Acorn without even the benefit of a kangaroo court, on trumped up charges orchestrated by the thankfully late and totally unlamented Andrew Breitbart. I can’t recall that a voice was raised in defense of Acorn. No hearing that would have exposed the frame was ever held.

Rush Limbaugh is now hurling vile sexually charged insults at a young woman who has done nothing but exercise her right to speak. (This, by the way, from a man whose own sex life will not bear scrutiny.)

So why won’t the Democrats use the Republicans’ tactics against them? Why not make them vote on whether to condemn Limbaugh? Whatever way they might vote, they lose.

Of course, I have no hope that anyone will actually propose such a resolution, or that the Democrats as a group will force a vote like the minority Republicans were able to do in the instances I’ve cited. It might destroy civility in Washington.

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